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Andrew Knevitt's blog on Business Analysis, Complexity and Everything Cloud.

November 01, 2010

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

There are a few non-academic books that have helped to bring context to the technology led changes that are taking place in Business - in Economics, Marketing, Finance, Innovation, Social Networking and BIS. 
Three must reads, then a few extra.

1) 'The Purple Cow' Seth Godin. 
I Swore I would never read a marketing book. Seth is an accomplished marketing guru and author. The value in this book is his insightful appreciation for how technology is changing the fundamentals of marketing. 

2) 'What would Google Do?' by Jeff Jarvis
Not so much about Google, but about the untraditional approach they have taken to business. Jeff is an accomplished journalist and provides a setting to understand how our economy is changing. Specific reference to various industry sectors is very interesting considering this book was written a couple of years ago and we are starting to see some of his predictions appear.

3) 'Enterprise 2.0' by Andrew McAfee.
This is where all the pieces come into place. The first time I read it, didn't take too much out of it. Just finished my third read and it is a place I constantly return to for ideas. What is collaboration? platforms/channels? this is the conversation you want to be in. This is value that the next generation will bring to business. The current generation struggles to get it.

'Long Tail' by Crhis Anderson. Long read and scientific focus, so it is a bit dry. However, a must read for any marketing or economics majors.
Finally for fun... 'Accidental Billionaires' by Ben Mezrich. Get through through drama and learn about what social networking really is. If you believe Mark Zuckerberg has got where he is through lies and deceit, your missing the point.

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